Sap Business one For Small and Medium Sized Business
We configure SAP Business One to streamline your operations and provide you with analytics to manage your business more efficiently. SAP Business One provides powerful analytic and reporting tools. It includes a complimentary and fully integrated version of SAP Crystal Reports for SAP Business One, erp consulting south florida so you can gather data from multiple sources and generate timely and accurate reports based on company-wide data.
Integrated with Microsoft Office, SAP Crystal Reports lets you choose from a variety of report formats and control access to information displayed. With optional analytics powered by SAP HANA, SAP Business One takes advantage of in memory computing for analysis and reporting.
You gain real-time access to predefined dashboards and reports, as well as productivity tools to support decision-making. You can tailor forms and queries to meet specific requirements without technical training. You can also configure settings to define exchange rates, set authorization parameters, business one south florida and create import and export functions for internal mail, e-mail, and data.
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