EDsmart Names 2020’s Best Colleges & Universities in Michigan

EDsmart's ranking of the best colleges & universities in Michigan is the most comprehensive and well-rounded to date. The ranking includes only fully accredited schools. Rankings are based primarily on affordability, while also considering factors such as graduation and retention rates and post-graduation salaries according to NCES College Navigator reporting and post-graduation salaries according to College Scorecard.
"It is important to recognize the colleges and universities that go above and beyond,” said Tyson Stevens, managing editor of EDsmart."Our goal is to highlight these schools and their commitment to higher education."
“The Best Colleges in Michigan rankings allow students to compare accredited programs and find those that best fit their education interests and career goals,” said EDsmart’s spokesperson. “Beyond providing affordable education, a college is not successful if it does not graduate its students, which is why EDsmart rankings place a high value on outcomes, including graduation and retention rates, and post-graduation salaries.”
The EDsmart 2020 ranking for the Best Colleges & Universities in Michigan ranks Alpena Community College#1 as the best college in Michigan withUniversity of Michigan-Dearbornand West Michigan Community and University of Michigan-Flintfollowing.
The complete alphabetical rankings are as follows:
Alpena Community College
Bay de Noc Community College
Bay Mills Community College
Delta College
Glen Oaks Community College
Jackson College
Kalamazoo Valley Community College
Kirtland Community College
Lansing Community College
Marygrove College
Monroe County Community College
Mott Community College
Muskegon Community College
North Central Michigan College
Northwestern Michigan College
Oakland Community College
Schoolcraft College
St Clair County Community College
University of Michigan-Dearborn
University of Michigan-Flint
Washtenaw Community College
Wayne County Community College District
West Shore Community College
University and student response to EDsmart rankings has been very positive. Sharing the rankings on their websites and via social media has helped schools attract new students and excite existing students and alumni.
The rankings and data were produced for EDsmart, a leading higher education research organization. All evaluated data was gathered from IPEDs, U.S. Department of Higher Education, College Scorecard, school websites, and other reputable sources.
The rankings have been published at https://www.edsmart.org/best-colleges-michigan/
About EDsmart:
EDsmart reviews publicly available data to produce independent ranking assessments of various educational programs, in addition to student guides and resources. The site is regularly updated by a committed team of writers and researchers, who produce college rankings and resources that will help prospective and current college students get into, pay for, and thrive at the college of their choice.
Media Contact
Company Name: EDsmart
Contact Person: Tyson Stevens
Email: tstevens@edsmart.org
Phone: (707) 595-0736
City: Draper
State: UT
Country: United States
Contact Info:
Name: Managing Editor
Email: tstevens@edsmart.org
Organization: EDsmart
Phone: (707) 595-0736
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