You Can Keep Searching For a Job During a Recession

12mar 2020
But the bottom line is that by doing this that you'll also be setting yourself up to be gainfully employed while your co-workers are standing at the unemployment line.

Walking about advertising the fact that you're looking for another job never endears you to companies, but covertly doing this in the face of an economic recession and a potential lay-off is just good sense. By continuing to job search even though you already have a job you'll be accomplishing several things:

O First and foremost, you'll be able to keep a weather eye on what's coming available on the market-and with whom. Although you moje delo don't wish to be the new kid on the block when firms are wanting to begin cutting their payroll, in case a positive position becomes accessible with a company that stands an excellent prospect of weathering a recession while your organization is almost sure to cut your job in the next eight to twelve months, you'd be a fool not to snatch at the opportunity.

It might mean taking a little bit of an opportunity, but the bottom line is that by doing this that you'll also be setting yourself up to be gainfully employed while your co-workers are standing at the unemployment line.

O Second, you'll be preparing yourself for change. If you have seen the children's video Kung Fu Panda you are going to remember the infamous words of the Wild Master Oogway-"There is no fantastic news or bad news. There's only news" The deciding factor in whether news is seen as good or bad is precisely that-how you view it.

When you look at a recession and a possible layoff for a stimulus for change (change that you are able to be prepared for if you make the attempt ) then you will not have any problem when it comes time to say goodbye to the old and hello to the new. On the iščem zaposlitev v ljubljani other hand, if you're still rooted in the idea that the world is going to come to an end if you lose your job and have to go searching for another one you're going to find yourself mired in confusion and distress when you're given that pink slip-a mucky place that will hold on to you till the consequences become too apparent.


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