Physical and mechanical principles of phacoemulsification and their clinical Significance
A thorough understanding of the physical and mechanical principles that govern phacoemulsification can ease use of this technique for effective and efficient cataract removal in a variety of clinical situations. This article addresses individually, theories pertaining to the three essential elements of phacoemulsification, namely, irrigation, phacoemulsification handpiece aspiration and emulsification. Machine settings are indicated for the several techniques currently being used. Finally, other strategies for lens removal which are currently being investigated are briefly discussed.
Advantages of phacoemulsification (phaco) namely, decreased induced astigmatism, controlled intraocular maneuvers, and relative stability of postoperative refraction, are well recognized. This process is hence rapidly gaining popularity and is very likely to be a commonly employed method of cataract removal in most parts of the planet in the near future.
Most surgeons agree that there is a definite learning curve whilst making the transition from manual extracapsular cataract extraction and intraocular lens implantation into phaco. This basically originates from the fact that phaco is a surgical procedure requiring eye-hand-foot coordination and is a bimanual surgical procedure. Both can be easily mastered and many reports have shown that the transition to phaco could be produced with good results and minimal complications. website link
In addition to the aforementioned factors, a third variable makes phaco a surgical procedure that's substantially different from extracapsular cataract extraction. This pertains to how many mechanical and physical variables principles govern phaco. Their comprehension is as significant to this neophyte phaco surgeon as it is to the surgeon conversant with phaco but wanting to optimize surgical operation. This article seeks to address these fundamentals and draws clinical correlates that exemplify their relevance.
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